


Ascot Wholesale acknowledges and recognises that its operations have an impact on the global and local environment, and is committed to continuous environmental improvement wherever possible.

We will comply with all national environmental legislation, and where practicable, try to improve upon statutory requirements.

As distributors, we strive to make sure that we purchase products that have been manufactured by companies that demonstrate environmentally sound methods and policies. We also store and distribute our products in the most efficient manner.


Why Eco-Friendly?

Going green can have many environmental, economic and social benefits that more and more businesses are trying to enjoy.


But when you’re just starting out, the world of eco-friendly products can be difficult to understand. With so many different materials, features and terms used, it’s hard to work out what the best option is for your needs.


Fortunately, we have a variety of products and educational tools to help you understand how to switch to sustainable consumables.


What are the 3 big eco terms?

The use of plastics within all businesses has been thrown into the spotlight, with stakeholders doing what they can to minimise the impact their business makes on the environment. But understanding what each of the different eco-terms mean can be confusing, what are the differences between biodegradable and compostable? How does using compostable products help the environment? Can I not just recycle? Below are our definitions for each of the big 3 terms to help you identify which direction is best for you.



We all know products need to be clean and dry to be recycled. For the food service industry this proves a challenge as catering disposables contain food, so contamination of materials is inevitable. This creates recycling challenges, often resulting in waste being burnt or ending up in landfill sites.


Meaning products break down naturally. There is no time limit on a product biodegrading; one material may take 6 months, whereas others may take years.



This means that products can biodegrade in less than 12 weeks with the right microbes, heat and moisture.

Compostable food packaging is made, disposed of and breaks down in a manner that is kinder to the environment than plastic. It is made from plant based, recycled materials and can return to earth quickly and safely as soil.

The major benefits to the environment are that compostable packaging requires less carbon to produce, reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and provides the earth with life-promoting nutrients, without letting off toxins when breaking down.


Click Here to see our Environmental Policy